Voting in Boone County

General Information

To Register to vote:

  • General information about elections and voter registration is available at this link:
    Boone County Clerk
  • Only voters registered in Boone County by the 4th Wednesday prior to an election are eligible to vote in that election. That advisory is for anyone who has not registered to vote in Boone County for a prior election. If you have moved, you will need to update  your voter registration.
  • To initiate the voter registration process online or update your address, use the Voter Registration Form.  Filling out the online form will just generate a PDF that you still have to print, sign and mail (until/unless the process is made fully online), but it is still best if you register this way, instead of filling out a printed registration card, because it eliminates a lot of handwriting-related and other unnecessary errors.
  • Boone County Clerk Voter Registration Q&A
  • If you enter your name and birthday information in the section “Check your voter registration” on the Boone County Clerk’s website, you will find a list of your elected officials.

Voting Information for College Students

When Voting:

If you are registered to vote, you can vote. Be sure to have your information up to date (e.g., address) with the County Clerk so that you can go to the correct polling place.

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